8-11 June 2024

16th congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

EACPT 2024 Rotterdam – Precision Clinical Pharmacology



The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) includes all national organisations for clinical pharmacology in Europe. This broad range of knowledge and outreach enables each EACPT congress to provide an unparalleled forum where physicians, pharmacists, scientists and other disciplines can learn about the newest developments in topics such as drug discovery, drug development, pharmacology and pharmacotherapy.
The 2024 congress takes place in Rotterdam, Netherlands and gives you the unique opportunity to network with and learn from top ranking global specialists in pharmacology and pharmacotherapy. The theme of the congress is: “Precision Clinical Pharmacology”. A number of businesses, non-profit societies, and other organizations will be present as exhibitors. Support provided to EACPT enhances the meeting experience for the attendee, while providing promotional recognition to the supporter.

Why Exhibit at EACPT?

The European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (EACPT) invites you to exhibit at the largest, most influential gathering of European clinical pharmacologists (including many from outside of Europe). Leading clinical pharmacology professionals from across the globe come together to focus on improving the lives of patients. The Scientific Exposition features the latest advances in treatment and research, including cutting-edge technology involved in providing personalized pharmacotherapy (such as pharmacogenetics and therapeutic drug monitoring).
As an exhibitor at EACPT, you can:


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